Round 6: Karjakin, Mamedyarov and Grischuk tied for the first place |
In the sixth round of Grand Prix in Beijing half of the games were decisive. Sergey Karjakin and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov played the longest game of the round which finished in favor of Azeri player. Grischuk, who was place d second after 5th round, made a draw against Veselin Topalov and, as the result, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Alexander Grischuk and Sergey Karjakin lead with 4 out of 6. Morozevich outplayed Gata Kamsky and in Chinese derby Wang Yue defeated Wang Hao. Vassily Ivanchuk was looking for revenge for his lost in the match against Giri in Leon but could not convert his advantage and the game finished in a draw.

Topalov, Veselin - Grischuk, Alexander ½-½
Veselin Topalov refused to play Berlin endgame but preferred the position with slight edge for White. After precise 12…Bg5 Black solved most of the opening problems and proved White has nothing better than extra pawn in the rook endgame which turned to be absolutely drawish.
 Karjakin, Sergey - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 0-1
In Petroff defense Sergey Karjakin chose doubtful plan with 11.h3, 12. g4 and according to Mamedyarov, Black had good position after 12…h5 due to weaknesses in pawn structure of White. Sergey Karjakin missed an opportunity to make a draw after accurate 25. Qh3! and had to struggle hard in the worse endgame. “4 or 5 times I played badly and my opponent could make a draw”, said Shakhriyar at the press conference. After many hours of defense Russian player made a crucial mistake 87.Kb2 and eventually lost.

Gelfand, Boris - Leko, Peter ½-½
In Queen’s Gambit declined the opponents went for a force line and ended up in the endgame with practical chances for White. Boris Gelfand showed a new plan and Peter Leko had to play very precisely in the position full of different nuances. Hungarian player was not so familiar with the endgame and had to find most of the ideas during the game. Boris Gelfand could have tried to create more problems for his opponent in bishops’ endgame.

Morozevich, Alexander - Kamsky, Gata 1-0
In the position with opposite side castling Gata Kamsky decided to sacrifice a pawn but didn’t get enough compensation. Alexander Morozevich didn’t give any real chance for his opponent to create contra play and the game finished in favor of Morozevich.

Giri, Anish - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½
As Anish Giri pointed out at the press conference, he looked at the board after 15 moves and realized he preferred to play this position with Black than White and it seemed not a good sign. Ukrainian player managed to win e-pawn and tried to fight for initiative by pushing f-pawn. Black had a material advantage but it was not easy to convert it into a full point. White managed to win the pawn back and the game finished in a draw.

Wang Yue - Wang Hao 1-0
Wang Yue got slight advantage against his compatriot and was trying to increase his initiative in the middle game. 16…c6 came as a surprise and players ended up in the endgame with chances for White. Wang Yue played very creatively and managed to convert small advantages of his position in a full point.